“Mental health” refers to psychological, emotional, and social well-being. Mental health impacts how we feel, think, and behave each day and contributes to our decision-making processes, our ability to cope with stress, and our relationships with others in our lives.
Why is mental health important?
As with your physical health, your mental health is not fixed or static and can change very quickly. People often refer to mental health as existing on a range.
- Good mental health is at one end of the spectrum: when you feel and function well.
- Poor mental health is at the other end of the spectrum: often represented by symptoms that negatively affect people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
Moving back and forth along this spectrum throughout our lives is typical. Your emotional and mental health is a vital part of your life and impacts your thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. When your mental health is suffering, it affects your productivity and effectiveness in work, school, social or caregiving activities. Good mental health plays a critical part in the health of your relationships, as it affects how you build and maintain friendships. Good mental health also allows you to adapt to changes in your life and cope with adversity. It will enable you to cope with the stresses of work and overcome life’s daily challenges.
Mental health is essential to living a balanced life. According to the National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing 2020-2021, “over two in five Australians aged 16-85 years (43.7% or 8.6 million people) had experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life”. It’s critical to understand that mental health is health. It’s as important as our physical health, and it is essential to ensure we take steps to keep our mental health in good condition.
Understanding how stress affects you
We experience stress every day. Small amounts of stress can help you perform better as you rise to the occasion and increase your productivity to meet a deadline. This type of stress is usually temporary and can help you to focus and do your best under pressure.

Stress is something we all experience; whether it is heavy workloads, caregiving responsibilities, or relationship demands, it can all make us feel under pressure. When your stress levels increase, come from multiple sources, or draw out for extended periods, it can increase physical and mental health risks. Ongoing stress can also cause an existing condition to worsen.
Types of stress
Stress can affect your mental health in multiple ways. Learning to identify when you’re stressed helps you stay well. Everyone has different personal and professional roles, and there is no “one-size fits all” approach to staying mentally well. However, there are several things you can do every day to help improve your well-being.
Taking care of yourself
By investing time into getting the balance right, you can continue contributing and strengthening your career and still allow time for the important people and interests in your personal life.
When should you reach out for help?
If you are struggling, don’t hesitate to contact a mental health GP at your local medical clinic. Talking to a professional can help with your overall mental health and wellbeing and reassure you that your feelings are valid and treatable. Our mental and behavioral health therapists specialise in areas across behavioural health, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, mood behaviors, and more.
What if you start to feel changes in your overall mental health?
Issues related to mental health impact different people in different ways. Many people associate feelings of shame or embarrassment when their mental health begins to deteriorate. You must reach out for support if you start to see changes in your overall happiness and relationships.

Some ways you can get help:
- Connect with friends and family: let them know how you are feeling. Most family and friends are keen to offer emotional support, so don’t be afraid to share your feelings.
- Learn more about mental health: many mental health resources are available at your fingertips. Some examples include Beyond Blue, Lifeline, and Kids Helpline.
- Take a mental health assessment: speak to your GP and ask for an assessment. This evaluation can help determine if stress, anxiety, or depression impact your life. Our mental health professionals can help you with this.
How can you improve your mental health?
Some steps you can take to improve your mental health include:
- Exercising: getting outside is fantastic for improving your mood.
- Eating a balanced diet: what you eat can affect your overall mood and behaviour.
- Taking me time: even ten minutes a day, where you focus on your breathing or relaxation exercises, can help improve your mood.
- Get a good night’s sleep: sleep is a massive indicator of mental health and wellbeing. Establish a good nighttime routine and try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
- Speaking to others: talk to your support network and let them know if you are struggling. Open communication is an excellent way of sharing how you are feeling.
Clinicare – is here for you
Our doctors can help with:
- Mental Health Triage
- Mental Health Care Plan
- Mental Health Review
- Referral to Psychologists
- Referral to Psychiatrists
- Referral to further Mental Health Services
At Clinicare, we have licensed therapists and psychiatrists specialising in anxiety, depression, grief, loss, and more. While your support network is essential, you may benefit from talking to someone outside your close family and friends.
We’re here when you’re ready. We’re available 24/7, every day of the year, including holidays, so don’t hesitate to reach out to our expert GP doctors.