Is your mental health suffering? Our GPs will help put a support system in place that best suits your present needs.
If you think you might be experiencing poor mental health, come and talk to us. Mental health issues are common. They can have a debilitating impact on daily life, especially if left undiagnosed and untreated.
Clinicare mental health clinic services enable you to seek help soon, before the situation worsens. Our GPs specialise in providing valuable mental health support that assists the local community.

Mental Health Matters
A wide range of symptoms can be indicative of the need for mental health support, yet some people only acknowledge the onset of conditions like anxiety and depression when physical symptoms manifest.
Behavioural and emotional changes can be a sign your mental health is suffering. Examples may include: altered eating patterns; avoiding social interactions; quick to anger; emotional detachment.
The list is wide, and varied—and can feel overwhelming. Many disorders and conditions fall under mental health. Patients often take time to realise professional assistance should be sought.
Genetics, life events, lifestyle, physical health, past traumas, and medications are only a few of the possible contributors to how you presently feel, and the symptoms you are experiencing.
Taking The Next Step
Poor mental health can occur at any time, to anyone. While our GPs are available to assist with physical ailments, Clinicare GPs are also skilled at providing psychological support to patients of all ages.
You have the right to prioritise your mental health. But in today’s busy world, we often delay seeking assistance for psychological illness. If you feel there may be an issue, make a GP appointment.
Nervous? Consider writing down your symptoms and any questions you have for the GP. We also encourage you to ask for clarification and further details at any point during your appointment.
We want you to feel as comfortable as possible. Our queries during the assessment are simply a diagnostic tool to gain insight into your life and mental health, so we can better assist you.

Opening up to a mental health GP about certain aspects of life may be difficult. We understand. Conversations are confidential, and solely for the purpose of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
You’re Not Alone
Some Australians avoid discussing mental health with family, friends and co-workers. As a result, those requiring mental health issues feel isolated. But the reality is, that mental health issues are common.
In 2019, a survey of general practitioners by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners saw psychological issues as the most common health issue—prior to the pandemic.
The Mental Health Services in Australia online report states that 45% of the population aged 16-85 will experience a mental illness at some time in their lives, almost half of the age group referenced.
Of those, anxiety disorders like social phobias are the most prevalent, followed by affective disorders, such as depression, and then substance use disorders, including alcohol dependence.
The study also revealed that 61% of Australians used at least one strategy to manage mental health. Do you have a strategy in place? At Clinicare our empathetic GPs assist with mental health strategies.
Our Mental Health GPs Can Help
We know visiting a GP to discuss mental health for the first time might seem daunting. But the professionals at Clinicare are here to listen to how you feel, and the symptoms you may be dealing with.
A Mental Health Care Plan includes helping you develop strategies for challenging times and can also assist in sourcing funding support if the care of a mental health psychologist is necessary.
While a Mental Health Plan does allow you to claim up to 20 sessions with a mental health professional annually, you need a GP review after 6 sessions to ascertain if further sessions will be helpful.
For those diagnosed with an eating disorder, there is the option of an Eating Disorder Plan that equals Medicare rebates for 40 psychologist sessions and 20 dietician sessions per calendar year.
If you have a chronic condition, you have the option of a GP Management Plan, just be aware the Medicare rebate for mental health professionals is lower than a Mental Health Care plan.
We understand mental health can improve and decline throughout life. A Clinicare GP can help you find the best path forward as part of an ongoing process constantly adapted to your needs.
Our GPs can assist with:
Mental Health Triage
Mental Health Care Plan
Mental Health Review
Referral to Psychologists
Referral to Psychiatrists
Referral to further Mental Health Services
Understanding The Complexity
Mental health is a complicated area of medicine, in that many disorders and conditions fall under this umbrella. As a result, the experience of poor mental health differs from person to person.
Some mental health issues may be short-term, while others can recur throughout the years. Certain conditions and disorders could prove chronic and require ongoing treatment and management.
From relaxation techniques to personalised strategies, medication and consulting with a mental health specialist, there are many ways to manage and treat mental health conditions and disorders.
If hesitant or wanting to know more about any recommended treatment or medication, let your Clinicare GP know. Our goal is to work together and create a mental health plan you find acceptable.
Seeing a GP not only provides support in the present, but helps track your mental health journey, creating a detailed record for future reference, if any mental health issues arise at a later date.
Come And See Us In Clinicare Fitzroy + Fitzroy North
Know that mental health support aims to help improve your quality of life. At Clinicare North Fitzroy and Clinicare Fitzroy, our mental health GPs are ready to help you discover the guidance you need.
When making a mental health clinic booking, remember to mention you want to discuss a Mental Health Care Plan. This will ensure your GP appointment is allocated the right amount of time.
You can book an appointment online call the Clinicare Fitzroy Clinic on 03 9417 3377 or call the Clinicare Fitzroy North Clinic on 03 9482 3344.
If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.