Our services

Sexual Health Clinic in Fitzroy and Fitzroy North


What is it?

Importance Of Sexual Health Check

Good sexual health is important for everyone's general health and well-being. Sexual health includes the right to access health services that are inclusive, safe and free from violence, stigma and discrimination.


SERVICES & Procedures

Sexual Health Services

  • Sexually Transmitted infection (STI) checkups and treatments, including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis.

  • Discuss safer sex practices to prevent STIs including PrEP

  • Contraception options including the IUD and Implanon

  • Vaccinations, including Hep A and Hep B

  • Cervical Screening Tests (pap smear)

  • Breast cancer screening

  • Prostate cancer screening.

Who does it?

Sexual Health Doctors

All of our GPs at Clinicare provide Sexual Health support and consultations. Onsite pathology and blood collection are usually available at the time of your appointment by 4cyte Pathology or our Practice Nurse.


Discover the era of wellness with our premier sexual health clinic in Melbourne.

Choosing Clinicare means getting access to an understanding and confidential environment where your sexual health is prioritised and respected.

Essential Choices: The Proven Value of a Trusted Sexual Health Doctor in Melbourne

Are you contemplating the real significance of opting for a professional sexual health clinic in Melbourne? Studies indicate that individuals who access services from specialised sexual health clinics experience significantly better health outcomes. In Melbourne alone, specialised sexual health clinics have been instrumental in reducing the incidence of undiagnosed STDs by over 60%.

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Moreover, these clinics play a crucial role in offering comprehensive sexual health education, contributing to a 30% reduction in unintended pregnancies among their patients, as compared to those who do not access specialised services. This is not just about disease prevention; it's about informed, healthy choices.

Patients of specialised clinics often have access to mental health support and counselling, addressing the psychological aspects of sexual health - a service rarely found in general health settings.Choosing a reliable and specialised clinic is a necessary step towards ensuring your overall health and well-being. Without the expertise and comprehensive care provided by these clinics, individuals risk overlooking crucial aspects of their sexual health.


Optimal Care for Your Sexual Health: The Clinicare Advantage in Melbourne

Explore how our specialised Sexual Health Doctor and services at Clinicare set a new benchmark in sexual health care, surpassing the offerings of standard clinics.

Comparison Point Clinicare Sexual Health Services Other Sexual Health Clinic
Expertise in Sexual Health Led by specialised sexual health doctors with years of focused experience in sexual health. General practitioners with broader practices, often with less specialisation in sexual health.
Comprehensive Sexual Health Care: Offers a full spectrum of sexual health services, from STI testing to advanced treatment options. May offer limited sexual health services with a focus on general women's health
Tailored Sexual Health Plans: Each patient receives a customised care plan from a sexual health doctor in Melbourne tailored to their specific sexual health needs. Care plans may not be as specialised or personalised for sexual health concerns.
Advanced Diagnostic Tools: Utilises the latest technology for accurate diagnosis and treatment of sexual health issues. May not have access to specialised sexual health diagnostic tools.
Confidential and Sensitive Approach: Ensures a highly confidential and sensitive approach to all sexual health matters. The approach may be less focused on the confidentiality and sensitivity required for sexual health issues.
Follow-Up and Continuity of Care: Our sexual health GP ensures consistent follow-up and continuity of care for long-term sexual well-being. Follow-up care may be less thorough or consistent.

Does this work?

Advantages of Choosing a Trustworthy Sexual Health Clinic in Melbourne

When it comes to sexual health, the choice of clinic and doctor is paramount. Here are the primary advantages of choosing a reliable clinic.

  • Expert Care: :The team of doctors usually comprises experts who specialise exclusively in the field of sexual health, ensuring you receive the highest level of care.
  • Personalised Treatments: The doctors provide personalised treatment plans that are tailored to your unique circumstances.
  • Ongoing Support: Sexual health clinics offer more than just medical treatments; they provide ongoing support and education to help you maintain optimal sexual health over the long term.

How we do it

Comprehensive Care, Confidential Process: Our Clinic's Approach

When you step into our clinic, you're not just entering a medical facility; you're beginning a journey toward better sexual health with a team that genuinely cares. Our process is carefully designed to provide you with comprehensive care:

  • Initial Assessment: Every journey with us begins with a private consultation. Our sexual health doctors take the time to understand your concerns, medical history and any specific needs you may have.
  • Confidential Testing: We offer a full range of confidential testing services for all aspects of sexual health. Our Sexual Health Doctor Melbourne ensures that all tests are performed discretely and results are handled with the utmost confidentiality.
  • Personalised Treatment Plans: Based on your test results and discussions, we craft personalised treatment plans. Whether it's managing an STI, addressing sexual dysfunction or providing contraception solutions, your health plan is tailored just for you.
  • Education and Prevention: Our clinic is a resource for education on prevention and sexual health maintenance. We equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your sexual well-being.
  • Ongoing Support and Follow-up: We believe in building a lasting relationship with our patients. Regular follow-ups with our sexual health doctor ensure that your sexual health is continuously monitored and managed.
  • Collaborative Care: If necessary, we coordinate with other medical professionals to ensure a holistic approach to your health, involving specialists when needed for a multidisciplinary strategy.
  • Our offerings

    Discover a full spectrum of sexual health services at Clinicare

    We offer an extensive range of sexual health services tailored to meet your needs:

    STI Check-ups and Treatments:

    Our clinic provides confidential testing and treatment for a range of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV and hepatitis. Our experienced staff ensures that you receive the best care with respect and discretion.

    Safer Sex Practices and PrEP Discussion:

    Knowledge is power when it comes to prevention. We offer expert advice on safer sex practices and provide comprehensive information on Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to help prevent HIV infection.

    Contraception Options:

    Understanding that each individual's needs are different, we offer a variety of contraception options, including the IUD and Implanon. Our team will work with you to find the best fit for your lifestyle and health goals.


    Protecting your health includes prevention. We offer vaccinations against Hepatitis A and B, safeguarding you against these viruses that can impact your sexual health.

    Cervical Screening Tests:

    Regular cervical screening is key to early detection of potential health issues. Our clinic provides Cervical Screening Tests (pap smears) as part of our commitment to women's health.

    Prostate Cancer Screening:

    Proactive health management is essential for everyone. We offer prostate cancer screening to help detect signs early when treatment can be most effective.

    Why choose us

    Unmatched Care in Sexual Health: Our Clinic’s Exceptional Services in Melbourne

    Discover the unique qualities that make our sexual health clinic in Melbourne the trusted choice for discreet, comprehensive and expert sexual health care

    Dedicated Sexual Health GP Expertise:

    Our team, led by specialised Sexual Health GPs and doctors, offers a wealth of knowledge backed by years of focused experience in sexual health, ensuring you receive expert care tailored to your needs.

    Comprehensive and Inclusive Services:

    From routine screenings to complex care, our clinic offers an inclusive suite of services that cater to the diverse needs of Melbourne's community.

    Privacy and Comfort:

    We prioritise your privacy with discreet and confidential consultations, making your comfort our top concern.

    Cutting-Edge Treatments:

    Stay at the forefront of sexual health with our clinic's access to the latest treatments and preventative measures, including PrEP and the newest HPV vaccines.

    Empathetic Patient Support:

    Experience compassionate support at every step, from initial consultation to treatment and follow-up care.

    Educational Resources:

    Empowerment through education is central to our approach. Our Sexual Health Doctors provide valuable resources and education to equip you with the knowledge for long-term sexual wellness.


What should I expect during my first visit to a Sexual Health Doctor? Your initial visit with a sexual health doctor will be focused on understanding your medical history, sexual health concerns and goals. It's a confidential session where you can discuss any issues openly. Our doctors may suggest tests or screenings as part of a comprehensive approach to your care.
How often should I see a Sexual Health GP for check-ups? The frequency of visits to a sexual health GP can vary depending on your individual health needs, lifestyle and if you're experiencing symptoms. Generally, an annual check-up is recommended, but your GP will provide personalised advice based on your situation.
What types of tests can I get at your Sexual Health Clinic in Melbourne? Our Sexual Health Clinic Melbourne offers a full array of tests for STIs, HIV, HPV and other infections, as well as screenings like cervical screening tests. We use the latest testing methods to ensure accurate and swift results.
Can a Sexual Health Doctor prescribe contraception? Absolutely, our Sexual Health Doctors can prescribe a variety of contraceptive methods, including oral contraceptives, IUDs, Implanon, and more. They will help you choose the best option for you and provide guidance on proper use.
What is involved in the treatment for STIs at your clinic? Treatment for STIs at our clinic may include antibiotics, antiviral medications, or other therapies, depending on the diagnosis. Our sexual health GP will explain your treatment plan in detail, including any necessary follow-up care.
How does your clinic handle confidentiality and privacy? Our sexual health clinic in Melbourne takes privacy and confidentiality extremely seriously. All patient information is handled with the utmost discretion, and we ensure that all consultations, treatments, and records are kept strictly confidential.
Can I receive sexual health education and prevention services at your clinic? Education is a key part of what we offer. Our clinic provides comprehensive sexual health education and prevention services, including discussions on safer sex practices, PrEP, and vaccinations against HPV, Hep A and Hep B.